Lijo John
Forskningsområde Virus-värd-interaktioner, mRNA-vaccin, antivirala medel
Mina nuvarande projekt är inriktade på haploida genetiska undersökningar (där celler med enkel kromosomuppsättning utnyttjas) som genererar information om värdfaktorer som är avgörande för virus som Bluetongue, SARS-CoV-2 och Marburg-virus. Jag deltar också i ett projekt som utvecklar RNA-vaccin mot kring Krim-Kongo blödarfebervirus (CCHFV).
Alla projekt
Vetenskapliga publikationer
- Identification of CCZ1 as an essential lysosomal trafficking regulator in Marburg and Ebola virus infections (2023)
- Redirecting Imipramine against Bluetongue Virus Infection: Insights from a Genome-wide Haploid Screening Study (2022)
- Nucleoside-Modified mRNA Vaccines Protect IFNAR-/- Mice against Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Infection (2022)
- Human AdV-20-42-42, a Promising Novel Adenoviral Vector for Gene Therapy and Vaccine Product Development
- A super-potent tetramerized ACE2 protein displays enhanced neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection (2021)
- Human species D adenovirus hexon capsid protein mediates cell entry through a direct interaction with CD46 (2020)
- An RNA editor, adenosine deaminase acting on double-stranded RNA (ADAR1) (2019)
- Induction of stress granules by interferon and down-regulation by the cellular RNA adenosine deaminase ADAR1 (2014)
- Chikungunya virus capsid protein contains nuclear import and export signals (2013)
- Hepatitis E virus ORF2 protein activates the pro-apoptotic gene CHOP and anti-apoptotic heat shock proteins (2011)