Diagnos, epidemiologi och klinisk påverkan av porcint parainfluensavirus 1 (PPIV-1) i Europa (PorParEU)

Porcine respirovirus 1, also referred to as porcine parainfluenza virus 1 (PPIV-1), was first detected in deceased pigs from Hong Kong in 2013. It has since been detected in pigs with respiratory disease in a number of countries, also in Europe. To our knowledge, very few veterinary laboratories in Europe test for PPIV-1 on a routine basis due to a lack of knowledge on which role PPIV-1 plays in the development of the Porcine Respiratory Disease Complex (PRDC). We hypothesize that porcine parainfluenza virus 1 (PPIV-1) plays a significant role in the PRDC. Therefore, the aims of the project are to:

  1. Determine the presence of PPIV-1 in the partner countries

  2. Define the age groups that are clinically affected by the virus

  3. Describe the genetic diversity of PPIV-1 strains circulating in Europe

  4. Link the presence of PPIV-1 to specific clinical and pathological manifestations and/or the presence of other respiratory pathogens

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