Change projects on One Health
These are the change projects from ITP programme Healthy livestock – Safe food on One Health.
Improving pork safety by cysticercosis control through animal welfare approach
Mugwaneza Denyse, Rwanda Agriculture board, Rwanda
The aim of the project has been to provide pork value chain actors with adequate practical effective knowledge and skills to deliver safe products. Furthermore, to raise public awareness of cysticercosis prevention and the role of indoor farming system, enforce law and regulations related to animal welfare, disease control and animal product quality assurance and inspection. This has been done through trainings in four districts, (Bugesera, Musanze, Ngororero, Huye) with 200 farmers, 60 pig traders and 40 pork restaurants. There has been field follow-ups and analysis of lab results from abattoirs to get the rate of cysticercosis in the areas. After the training, extension and follow up on field data from abattoirs show that the prevalence of cysticercosis is reducing in all four areas in average by 37 % in the period of six months. One of the conclusions is that farmers want to learn more about best practices and are susceptible to extension work efforts.
Exploring local knowledge and perception on salmonellosis among poultry farmers in Kitunda and Kivule wards, Dar es Salaam
Juma Haule, Dar es Salaam City Council, Tanzania
The purpose of the project was to increase awareness of salmonellosis among poultry farmers and health care providers. More specifically the objective of the project was to assess knowledge among farmers and health care workers and control measures on farm which was done by a study in Dar es Salaam Region. The result showed that 80 % had heard about salmonellosis, but the knowledge about how to prevent the disease was very low. Very few undertook measures like washing hands, cooking the food thoroughly, or wearing protective clothes when entering a poultry shed.
Animal food control system in Chongwe Municipal Council of Zambia: A public health perspective
Francis Mwanza, Chongwe Municipal Council, Zambia
The main objective of this project was to establish a food control system among smallholder livestock farmers and other actors in the beef value chain, that would strengthen the public health system in Chongwe Municipal Council. This was done by mapping and establishing an electronic register for livestock farmers and improving the slaughter facility. A survey to investigate the stakeholders’ views on these actions were also performed. Stakeholder meetings and networking performed during this change project, has led to that stakeholders now have a chance to report immediate animal and human health issues that require attention real-time through WhatsApp.
A biosecurity awareness campaign among pig farmers in Kiambu sub-county, Kenya
Kiambu County Government, Kenya
The aim of this project was to improve the livelihood among pig farmers in Kiambu Sub-county, Kenya, through increased production and reduced production losses by improving on-farm biosecurity, to prevent diseases like African Swine Fever or other severe pig diseases. Interviews were conducted with pig farmers to learn more about their knowledge on biosecurity and measures used, which showed that most of the farmers didn’t adopt basic biosecurity measures and that the knowledge about biosecurity was insufficient. A training programme was developed to train both animal health service providers and pig farmers on biosecurity, and it was concluded that there is a need for structured and continuous training with in-farm demonstrations.
Senast granskad 2024-10-31