EU:s zoonosrapport
EFSA och ECDC ger ut en årlig europeisk zoonosrapport och en årlig resistensrapport. Uppgifter till rapporten samlas in från alla medlemsstater samt för de europeiska länder som inte ingår i EU men som skickar in data. SVA samlar in och sammanställer en rapport om zoonoser, zoonotiska agens och antimikrobiell resistens i foder, hos djur och i livsmedel i Sverige. Dessa data samlas in från andra svenska myndigheter samt branschorganisationer. Rapporten skickas till Europeiska myndigheten för livsmedelssäkerhet (EFSA). ECDC samlar in data om zoonoser hos människa från nationella folkhälsomyndigheter.
Rapport om övervakning av infektionssjukdomar hos djur och människor
Utöver rapporteringen till EU publiceras också en svensk rapport om övervakning av infektionssjukdomar hos djur och människor. Syftet är att illustrera den aktuella situationen i Sverige, historik och trender samt att lyfta fram specifika händelser. Se våra årsrapporter för sjukdomsövervakning.
I samarbete med SVA och Folkhälsomyndigheten ges en årlig rapport (Swedres/Svarm) ut, över antibiotikaresistensläget hos bakterier från djur och människor, däribland salmonella.
Smittläget i Sverige för djursjukdomar och zoonoser 2023
Sedan 2009 har Statens veterinärmedicinska anstalt (SVA) publicerat en årlig rapport som beskriver smittläget i Sverige för djursjukdomar och zoonoser baserat på resultat från den sjukdomsövervakning som genomfördes i landet under föregående år. Årets rapport är den 15:e i ordningen, och den första som ges ut på svenska.
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans in Sweden 2022
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans 2022 is the annual report describing the surveillance activities carried out in Sweden during the year. The report covers surveillance for important animal diseases and zoonotic agents in humans, food, feed and animals, carried out and compiled by experts from several Swedish governmental agencies, university and the private industry with surveillance mandates along the entire food chain — from farm to fork.
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans in Sweden 2021
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans 2021 is the annual report describing the surveillance activities carried out in Sweden during the year. The report covers surveillance for important animal diseases and zoonotic agents in humans, food, feed and animals, carried out and compiled by experts from several Swedish governmental agencies, university and the private industry with surveillance mandates along the entire food chain, from farm to fork.
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans in Sweden 2020
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans 2020 is the annual report describing the surveillance activities carried out in Sweden during the year. The report covers surveillance for important animal diseases and zoonotic agents in humans, food, feed and animals, carried out and compiled by experts from several Swedish governmental agencies, university and the private industry with surveillance mandates along the entire food chain, from farm to fork.
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans in Sweden 2019
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans 2019 is the annual report describing the surveillance activities carried out in Sweden during the year. The report covers surveillance for important animal diseases and zoonotic agents in humans, food, feed and animals, carried out and compiled by experts from several Swedish governmental agencies, university and private industry with surveillance mandates along the entire food chain, from farm to fork.
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans in Sweden 2018
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans 2018 is the annual report describing the surveillance activities carried out in Sweden during the year. The report covers surveillance for important animal diseases and zoonotic agents in humans, food, feed and animals, carried out and compiled by experts from several Swedish governmental agencies, university and private industry with surveillance mandates along the entire food chain, from farm to fork.
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans in Sweden 2017
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans 2017 is the annual report on surveillance activities carried out in Sweden during the year, and their output. The report covers surveillance for important animal diseases and zoonotic agents in humans, food, feed and animals, carried out and compiled by public and private actors with surveillance mandates along the entire food chain, from stable to table.
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans in Sweden 2016
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans 2016 is the annual report on surveillance activities carried out in Sweden during the year, and their output. The report covers surveillance for animal diseases and zoonotic agents in humans, food, feed and animals, carried out and compiled by agencies with surveillance mandates along the entire food chain, from stable to table.
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans in Sweden 2015
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans 2015,is the annual update on the surveillance activities carried out in Sweden during the year, for animal diseases and zoonotic agents in humans, food, feed and animals.
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans in Sweden 2014
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans 2014, is the annual update on the surveillance activities carried out in Sweden during the year, for animal diseases and zoonotic agents in humans, food, feed and animals. Comprehensive animal disease surveillance is an important step in declaring the good health and animal welfare status of Sweden.
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans in Sweden 2013
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans 2013, is an annual update on the surveillance activities carried out in Sweden during the year, for animal diseases and zoonotic agents in humans, food, feed and animals. A difference from last year’s report is that the chapter on Schmallenberg virus is no longer included, since the disease has become endemic in Sweden. A new chapter has also been added presenting the results of all passive surveillance investigations during the year.
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans in Sweden 2012
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans 2012, is an annual update on the surveillance activities carried out in Sweden during the year, for animal diseases and zoonotic agents in humans, food, feed and animals.
Surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and humans in Sweden 2011
The report describes surveillance concerning animal diseases and zoonotic agents in humans, food, feed and animals.
Sjukdomsrapportering 2011
I 2007 års regleringsbrev fick SVA uppdraget att ta fram en rapport över sjukdomssituationen i Sverige rörande vilda och domesticerade djur samt vild och odlad fisk. Rapporten hette ”Regeringsuppdrag Sjukdomsrapportering 2006”. På bara fem år har mycket hänt på sjukdomssidan i Sverige, med introduktion och bekämpning av för landet nya sjukdomar som PRRS och Bluetongue och det känns därför angeläget att uppdatera rapporten.
Surveillance of zoonotic and other animal disease agents in Sweden 2010
The 2010 report, Surveillance of zoonotic and other animal disease agents in Sweden, describes active and passive surveillance on zoonotic, epizootic and other animal disease agents of current interest. The vast majority of diseases covered by the report are notifiable according to Swedish legislation, to be reported to either the Swedish Board of Agriculture, the National Food Administration or to the Swedish Institute for Communicable Disease Control.
Sjukdomsrapportering 2010
Årets Sjukdomsrapportering är därför ägnad åt det underliggande arbete och den djupa och breda kompetens som finns inom SVA för att på ett snabbt och vetenskapligt framstående sätt bidra till sjukdomsövervakningen i Sverige. Texterna kan te sig lite vetenskapligt tunga men begreppen blir allt vanligare i internationella diskussioner så det är väl värt att lägga dem på minnet.
Surveillance of zoonotic and other animal disease agents in Sweden 2009
The report describes active and passive surveillance on zoonotic and other animal disease agents in Sweden 2009. It replaces the previous reports on Zoonoses respective Surveillance and Control Programs in Sweden. Practically all diseases covered by this report are notifiable according to Swedish legislation either to Swedish Board of Agriculture, National Food Administration or Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control.
Sjukdomsrapportering 2009
Regeri ngsrapporten Sjukdomsövervakning 2009, har i år ett nytt grepp då den till skillnad från tidigare år främst omfattar sjukdomar som inte finns i landet. Flertalet av dem är allvarliga zoonoser, eller som i fallet med afrikansk hästpest sprids via samma vektorer som bluetongue.
Surveillance and control programs 2008
The purpose of this report is to publish the results of the Swedish surveillance and control programs 2008 for certain diseases in domesticated and wild animals. The diseases covered by the report are all notifi able to the Swedish Board of Agriculture (SBA) and many are included in the Swedish Act of Epizootics. A non-vaccination policy is practiced in Sweden, thus vaccination against epizootic diseases is not allowed except under very specific circumstances.
Sjukdomsrapportering 2008
Regeringsrapporten Sjukdomsövervakning 2008, omfattar i likhet med föregående års rapport endast ett urval av sjukdomar av betydelse för hälsoläget i Sverige. Förutom bakgrund och nuvarande situation görs även en bedömning av sjukdomens betydelse för djurhälsan i Sverige och risk för introduktion. Det är vår förhoppning att även denna rapport skall tjäna som kunskapsunderlag för beslutsfattare och branschfolk.
Trends and sources of zoonoses and zoonotic agents in humans, foodstuffs, animals and feedingstuffs in 2006
The report contains information on trends and sources of zoonoses and zoonotic agents in Sweden during the year 2006. The information covers the occurrence of these diseases and agents in humans, animals, foodstuffs and in some cases also in feedingstuffs.
Trends and sources of zoonotic infections recorded in Sweden during 2000
The report includes zoonotic infections/agents occurring in animals, humans, feedstuffs and food.
Zoonoses in Sweden 2008
This report covers information on fifteen zoonoses and zoonotic agents in feed, food, animals and humans.
Trends and sources of zoonoses and zoonotic agents in humans, foodstuffs, animals and feedingstuffs in Sweden in 2007
The Report referred to in Article 9 of Directive 2003/ 99/ EC
Svensk zoonosrapport 2006
Förekomst av zoonoser och zoonotiska agens hos människor, livsmedel, foder och djur.
Svensk zoonosrapport 2005
Förekomst av zoonoser och zoonotiska agens hos människor, livsmedel, foder och djur
Trends and sources of zoonoses and zoonotic agents in humans, foodstuffs, animals and feedingstuffs in 2005
Sweden 2005 Report on trends and sources of zoonoses
Trends and sources of zoonoses and zoonotic agents in humans, foodstuffs, animals and feedingstuffs in 2004
The report contains information on trends and sources of zoonoses and zoonotic agents in Sweden during the year 2004. The information covers the occurrence of these diseases and agents in humans, animals, foodstuffs and in some cases also in feedingstuffs.
Zoonoses in Sweden 2003 – Report to the Commission
Trends and sources of zoonotic infections recorded in Sweden during 2003
Zoonoses in Sweden 2002
The aim of the report is to present zoonotic infections/agents that were found in animals, humans, feedingstuffs and foods in Sweden during 2002.
Trends and sources of zoonotic infections recorded in Sweden during 2001
The report includes zoonotic infections/agents occurring in animals, humans, feedstuffs and food.
Zoonoses in Sweden up to and including 1999
The report deals with zoonotic diseases considered to be of major interest in Sweden. It covers the period from 1997 (or earlier) up to and including 1999. A brief description of each disease/infectious agent is also included as background information to figures presented.
Trends and sources of zoonotic infections recorded in Sweden during 1999
The report includes zoonotic infections/agents occurring in animals, humans, feedstuffs and food.
For a long time, Sweden has had a favourable situation compared to many other countries when it comes to antibiotic resistance in bacteria from humans, which remains true.
Similar to 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has meant that both antibiotic sales and the number of cases of notifiable antibiotic-resistance bacteria in humans have been lower than usual. Fewer cases of most communicable diseases in humans have been reported during the pandemic, including cases of notifiable antibiotic resistance. For notifiable infections, the difference from before the pandemic was smaller in 2021 than in 2020, while MRSA and ESBL continued to decrease in 2021.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, both antibiotic sales and mandatory reported antibiotic resistance in humans have decreased. This is also seen in most Swedish reports of notifiable infectious diseases in humans. In contrast, the resistance levels among clinical isolates from humans in general have followed previous trends and do not seem to have been especially affected by the pandemic.
The situation in Sweden regarding antibiotic resistance in bacteria from humans and animals is still favourable from an international perspective. This confirms that our strategies to promote the rational use of antibiotics and to limit the spread of antibiotic resistance are effective. Despite our comparatively good situation, there are problems with cross infection and increasing antibiotic resistance, which motivates continued efforts in preventive work.
The situation in Sweden regarding antibiotic resistance in bacteria in humans and animals is still favourable from an international perspective. This confirms that our strategies to promote the rational use of antibiotics and to limit the spread of antibiotic resistance are effective. Despite our comparatively good situation, there are problems with cross infection and increasing antibiotic resistance, which motivates continued efforts in preventive work.
The situation in Sweden regarding antibiotic resistance in bacteria from humans and animals is still favourable from an international perspective. This confirms that our strategies to promote the rational use of antibiotics and to limit the spread of antibiotic resistance are effective. In the last decades the consumption of antibiotics in Sweden has decreased in both humans and in veterinary medicine.
The 2016 Swedish report from the monitoring of antibiotic resistance and antibiotic consumption in human and veterinary medicine, Swedres-Svarm, is an integrated report from the Public Health Agency of Sweden and the National Veterinary Institute with data from humans, animals, and food. This report is a result of the successful collaboration between the public health and veterinary sectors in Sweden.
This 2015 Swedish report from the monitoring of antibiotic resistance and antibiotic consumption in human and veterinary medicine, Swedres-Svarm, is an integrated report from the Public Health Agency of Sweden and the National Veterinary Institute with data from humans, animals, and food.
The situation in Sweden regarding antibiotic resistance in bacteria from humans and animals is favourable when seen in an international perspective. This confirms that the Swedish strategies to promote rational use and to contain antibiotic resistance in bacteria from animals and humans have been effective.
The Swedish situation regarding antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from humans and animals is still favorable when seen in an international perspective. This confirms that the Swedish strategies to promote rational use and to contain antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from animals and humans are effective. Still, this year’s report also describes unfavorable trends, e.g. several hospital outbreaks with VRE.
The 2012 Swedish report from the monitoring of antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial usage in human and veterinary medicine, SWEDRES-SVARM, is the first fully integrated report from the Swedish Institute for Communicable Disease Control (SMI) and the National Veterinary Institute (SVA) on antimicrobial resistance and use of antimicrobials, with data from humans, animals and food where applicable; efforts have been made to discuss zoonotic aspects.
SVARM 2011
The 2011 report from SVARM shows that the situation regarding antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from animals remains favourable from an international perspective.
SVARM 2010
The 2010 report from SVARM shows that the situation regarding antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from animals remains favourable from an international perspective.
SVARM 2009
The tenth Swedish report combining results from the monitoring of antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial usage in both veterinary and human medicine: SVARM and SWEDRES.
SVARM 2008
The ninth Swedish report combining results from the monitoring of antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial usage in both veterinary and human medicine: SVARM and SWEDRES.
SVARM 2007
The eighth Swedish report combining results from the monitoring of antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial usage in both veterinary and human medicine: SVARM and SWEDRES.
SVARM 2006
Welcome to the seventh Swedish report combining results from the monitoring of antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial usage in both veterinary and human medicine: SVARM and SWEDRES.
SVARM 2005
The sixth report from SVARM shows that the situation regarding antimicrobial resistance in bacteria of animal origin is stable. Resistance does occur but viewed from an international perspective the prevalence is low.
SVARM 2004
This fifth report from SVARM shows that the situation regarding antimicrobial resistance in bacteria of animal origin is stable. Resistance does occur but viewed from an international perspective the prevalences are low.
SVARM 2003
The results presented in this fourth report from SVARM concur with previous reports and other Swedish studies, showing that the situation regarding antimicrobial resistance in bacteria of animal origin is stable.
Senast granskad 2022-12-20